ゲイリィ・スタインカンプ(Gary Steinkamp)さんのこと ②




また、国際大会の行事の一つDecrepits’ Breakfast(老いぼれ犬達の朝食会: BHSの元役員たち長老の集まり)のアトラクションに呼んでくれたり、お父さんのロイド (Lloyd Steinkamp) さんを紹介してくれたり、色々国際大会の楽しみ方も伝授してくれました。そんなこんなで、このカンザスシティ国際大会がまた、ゲイリィに私たちが惚れ直す機会となりました。

因みに、ロイドさんは、東京バーバーズの愛唱曲の一つOver The Rainbowの編曲者で、大会会場となったホテルのロビーでロイドさんを囲んで、この歌を歌ったのも良い思い出です。

この国際大会、WHJではOver The Rainbow、遥かな友に、Bad Buncha Boys(悪ガキどもの歌)の三曲を歌い、Decrepits’ Breakfastでは、Hello Mary Lou等を歌っています。一曲目のOver The Rainbowの歌いだしはテナーのソロなので、参加15人中の唯一人のテナーだった上野さん(故人)は、ものすごく緊張したそうです。(Kaz 松村)

Standing Room Only – From the First Hello to the Last Goodbye 右端がGary Steinkamp氏。

ゲイリィ・スタインカンプ(Gary Steinkamp)さんのこと ②」への1件のフィードバック

  1. In 2000, a year after starting by coach Gary in 1999, Tokyo Barbers was invited to an event called World Harmony Jamboree (WHJ), an international convention of the BHS Barber Shop Harmony Society, and performed for the first time overseas.

    In fact, it was a year earlier, the invitation to the 1999 International Convention, WHJ first arrived at Tokyo Barbers. The organizer of WHJ and his wife came to the audience seats of the chorus contest of the 1998 Pan-Pacific Convention in Hawaii, and when they heard us Tokyo Barbers who were participated, they fell in love at first sight and wanted to invite us to the next one. but the judge Hank Hammer at the Hawaii convention pointed out that our singing didn’t sound like a barber shop. And it was still a heavy burden for us, we never had a world-class coach at the time.

    One year after receiving Gary’s special training, We were invited to the 2000 Kansas City International Convention again, and managed to get ready and participated in WHJ with 15 people. We asked Gary for the conductor of this tournament, but he said, “The first conductor of the barbershop chorus from Japan to the international tournament should be done by Japanese.” He watched over the performance.

    Also, invite us to one of the international conventions, Decrepits’ Breakfast (a breakfast party for old dogs: a gathering of former BHS officers and elders), and introduced us his dad, Lloyd Steinkamp. Gary also taught me how to enjoy various international competitions. As such, this Kansas City International Convention was another opportunity for us to fall in love with Gary.

    By the way, Lloyd is the arranger of Over The Rainbow, one of Tokyo Barbers’ favorite songs, and it is a good memory to sing this song around Lloyd in the lobby of the hotel where the tournament was held.

    At this international competition WHJ, Over The Rainbow, Japanese Haruka na tomo ni (to far away friend), Bad Buncha Boys (songs of bad boys) were sung, and at Decrepits’ Breakfast, Hello Mary Lou, etc. were sung. The start of Over The Rainbow, was sung by a tenor, so Mr. Ueno (deceased), who was the only tenor out of the 15 participants, told to others that he was extremely nervous then. (Kaz Matsumura)


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