
翌2018年4月26日(木曜日)に目黒区民ホールでTB主催RMショウ。こちらは スゥエーデン 大使館の招請で来日。

耕友会(リンク)の招請で来日。 カルテットはZero8のメンバーで構成されたLemon Squeezy(スゥエーデン)。

そしてプライベートな会(AG)当日(2017年5月8日、月曜日)は平日でもあり、お見えにはならないだろうと思いながら招待状を大使館まで持参したのですが、その後秘書から、「公用車で行くので、駐車場の状況とか会場のセキュリティなどの問い合わせ」と、「大使到着の際にはお出迎えをよろしく」などの連絡があり、当日は会長のマーフィー(吉村)と玄関前でがん首揃えてお待ち申し上げました。さすがに公用車の スゥエーデン 国旗こそ、巻かれてカバーがかかっていましたが、立派なリムジンが横付けされました。
スゥエーデン大使がAG会場に入られた時には、他のお客様は立ち上がって静かに拍手し和やかな雰囲気と共に、どなたが準備されたのか、皆さんの顔には スゥエーデン国旗の写し絵が貼られていました。
その前にRMの楽屋に案内し歓談している時、Rasmus(Rasmus Krigström ラスマス クリグストロム、テナー/リード)に大使が「来年(2018年)日瑞(日本=スゥエーデン)外交樹立150周年の記念行事をやるんだけど、ゲストとして来てくれる可能性はあるかなあ。」と言い出し私の顔も見るので、こりゃチャンスだけど対応は慎重にと思い、「彼ら(RM)次第ですし、TBとして再度招請の予定は無いが、来ることが決まったら、何かとお手伝いする用意はあります。もちろん直接連絡をお取り下さるのが当然です」と答えました。
The barber shop is hot in Sweden !! ~ How did they come to Japan far away from Sweden so often? (Interview)
The 10th Tokyo Barbers (TB) Show will be held on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Large Hall with Ringmasters as a guest, and the next day at Square Ebara to listen to Ringmasters Afterglow (≒ Closing Party) was held.
The following day, April 26, 2018 (Thursday), TB sponsored Ringmasters show at Meguro Kumin Hall. This came to Japan at the invitation of Swedish Embassy.
Zero8 Show at Shibuya Sakura Hall sponsored by TB on Sunday, September 2, 2018. He came to Japan at the invitation of the Koyukai organization (President: Ko Matsushita). The quartet was
Lemon Squeezy (Sweden), which was made up with members of Zero8.
In the recent two years, they frequently came to Japan from distant Sweden, and it was exactly the year for Sweden.
For Ringmasters’ visit to Japan in 2018, I think it was a good idea to invite the Swedish ambassador to the show AG at Ebara in 2017. I’m sure there was an inquiry from the police nearby for the security of the Swedish ambassador, or it seems that I made an inquiry from here.
that’s right.
Mr. Ogino (TB member) came up with the idea of asking the embassy to sponsor the 10th show, and we went to the embassy together and the discussion went well.
And the day of the private meeting (After Glow) (Monday, May 8, 2017) was also a weekday, so I brought an invitation to the embassy thinking that the ambassador would not be able to appear, but after that, the secretary contacted us, and said “Since the ambassador is going by official car, so give information about the parking situation and the security of the venue.” and “Please welcome when the ambassador arrives.” On the day of the event, we waited in front of the entrance with Chairman Murphy (Yoshimura). As expected, the embassy’s Swedish flag on the official car was wrapped and covered, but a fine limousine came over.
Murphy asked The Ebara Police Station in advance if any notification was necessary, but there was nothing in particular. Maybe it was a big fuss when the embassy contacted police directly.
When the Swedish ambassador entered the After Glow venue, the other audiences stood up and applauded quietly, with a peaceful atmosphere and each of them painted or put a sticker of Swedish flag on their face. I wondered who was prepared.
Before that, while guiding the ambassador to the dressing room of Ringmasters and having a chat, the ambassador said to Rasmus (Rasmus Krigström, tenor / reed) , “Next year (2018), I’m going to hold a commemorative event for the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sweden and Japan, but I wonder if there is a possibility that the Ringmasters will come as a guest.” I answered that “I have no plans, but if Ringmasters decide to come, we’ll be ready to help. Of course, it’s natural to contact between the ambassador and Ringmasters each other directly.”
The point was that TB was asked about the possibility of inviting again, so I didn’t have much time or thought.
I received a lot of consultation emails from Rasmus and responded based on my experience, so a few months later Rasmus said, “When I responded according to your advice, the invitation was decided by full expense of the embassy. ”
In the meantime, TB started looking for a live venue.