チンプンカンプン 入団直後に、『Down the Tile !!』と言われ・・・



 私は学生時代に男声合唱を、40代半ばからは地元の所沢で男声合唱団「所沢メンネルコール」(TMC)で歌っていて、早速TMCの同年代のメンバーに声をかけカルテットを組みました。「Campanula」というなんとも似合わない名前を付け、とにかくバーバーショップコーラスの愛唱曲集「Barberpole Cat Song Book」12曲を制覇しようと練習しました。



 入団してすぐ、合宿がありました。アメリカからのコーチGary Steinkampさんの指導が始まりましたが、とにかく私にとってバーバーショップの指導らしい指導はこれが初めて。そのうちに「Down the Tile !!」と号令が掛り、周りの団員たちは一斉に体も顔も前を向き直立不動の姿勢を保ちます。

 いったい何が起きたのか訳が分からず、とにかく前の団員の真似をしていました。「Down the Tile」のTileは床のタイルではなく天井板のことで、「天井板に合わせろ」=「正面(客席)に向きを変えろ」という号令だったのです。同じバーバーショップコーラスでもカルテットには無い動きですね。

 また日本の合唱界に同じような用語は無いですよね。ちなみに、演奏中、指揮者に集中している態勢を「Chorus Position」といいます。

 他にも独特の(日本が独特かな)用語や作法がありますが、「Down the Tile !!」これが一番印象に残っています。


チンプンカンプン 入団直後に、『Down the Tile !!』と言われ・・・」への1件のフィードバック

  1. Immediately after joining Tokyo Barbers(TB), I was told “Down the Tile !!”, but … I could’t understand at all.

    I encountered the barbershop chorus first in 2000 when the “Acoustix” quartet(1990 world champion) came to Japan and held one-man shows in Okayama, Osaka, Tokorozawa, and Tokyo.

    2000 seats are full in the Tokorozawa Cultural Center Large Hall on the day of the show!!
    I remember listening as an audience to the harmony they created, and being wrapped in a shocking impression that set the chorus life up to that point upside down.

    I sang a male chorus since my student times, From the mid-40s in my local Tokorozawa with the male chorus “Tokorozawa Male Choir” (TMC), and immediately called out to other members of the same age group in TMC to form a quartet. I gave it a name that didn’t look good on me, “Campanula,” and practiced trying to conquer 12 songs from the “Barberpole Cat Song Book”, a collection of songs that Barbershop Chorus loves.

    Fortunately, TMC had four Tokyo Barbers’ members perticipating both chorus, and they were singing in a quartet called “Dandelions” at TB, so I could continue to sing while being taught by them.

    About 7 years later, in 2008, I joined TB being introduced by Mr. Ueno (deceased), a tenor of “Dandelions”. It was a barbershop that started with a quartet, but I also wanted to try a large number of choruses. I think TB at that time had about 50 members.

    Immediately after joining the group, there was a training camp. Coach Gary Steinkamp from the United States has begun to teach, but for me it was the first time to learn a barbershop hamony. Shortly, the command “Down the Tile !!” was ordered, and the members around him all turned their bodies and faces forward and maintained an upright and immovable posture.

    I didn’t understand what happened, so I was just imitating the previous member. The Tile of “Down the Tile” is not a floor tile but a ceiling board, and the command was “match the ceiling board” = “turn to the front (audience seat)”. Even with the same Barbershop chorus, it’s a movement not found in the quartet.

    Also, I think there is no similar term in the Japanese chorus world.
    By the way, the posture of concentrating on the conductor during the performance is called “Chorus Position”.

    There are other unique terms and manners in barbershop world(or maybe Japan is rather unique to oters), but “Down the Tile !!” was the most memorable.



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