ロジャー(Roger Ross)コーチ兼指揮者に選任


そこでRogerから、当時TB東京バーバーズのコーチだったGary Steinkampの任期がすぐに切れる事を聞かれたので、実は後任を探しているんだと話した所、俺でどう?と来ました。おー、まさか世界チャンピオンが自ら申し出てくれるとは。ヤッタ!!



そのやり取りを隣で聞いていたTodd Wilson(BHSバーバーショップハーモニーソサイエティの1990年チャンピオンカルテット Acoustixのテナー)が、「Rogerが駄目なら大丈夫、俺が立候補するよ」とウィンク。駄目なんて事無いよねって言ってると解釈しました。Rogerから帰国後すぐに詳細な経歴書のメールが届き、早速ボードは承認。全メンバーに伝えて全会一致、Roger RossをTBのコーチに迎えることが決定し、以来彼の熱く真摯なコーチングに、TB全員心酔しております。(GEO 栗本)


左:Steve(仲光甫)、  中央:Todd Wilson、  右:Roger Ross

ロジャー(Roger Ross)コーチ兼指揮者に選任」への2件のフィードバック

  1. この時のLockers(LC)との交流が縁で後に上野学園ホールでのLC東京公演でTBのライザーを提供しバックアップする事になり、更にTBとのジョイントショウを東京ー関西交互に開催する事に結び付きました。

  2. Appointed Roger Ross as a coach and a conductor
    The guest quartet for the 2009 show was Keepsake (1992 Champion Quartet of the BHS Barbershop Harmony Society). The show was a great success, and the next day, Steve and Macky Onishi led the Kansai performance together. The hall of Kwansei Gakuin University was arranged by Mr. Hirose and Lockers, and the full show was a great success. Everyone relaxed and chatted on the Shinkansen on the way home the next day.

    Roger told me that “I know Gary Steinkamp (coach of TB Tokyo Barbers at that time) would soon expire.” So I told him we were looking for a replacement coach. and he offered that “how about me for your coach?” Oh, I didn’t expect that the world champion will offer himself. How nice. Yatta !!

    I thought it was the best story for us, but I missed the chance to go to Indianapolis for the barbershop convention, (see previous blog, Indianapolis World Convention-Riser Purchase) and have no knowledge about circumstances of barbershop harmony in the US mainland (see previous blog, Indianapolis World Congress-Riser Purchase). (tears). So, when I consulted with Steve (Hajime Nakamitsu, who went to the mainland of the United States on his own and is familiar with Barbershop Harmony), he said he was in great agreement.

    I answered like this. “I’m basically going to decide you for our coach, but I can’t decide alone, so please give me a resume after returning to Japan as an introductory material within the group.” It was a very rude request to Roger.

    Todd Wilson (BHS Barbershop Harmony Society 1990 Champion Quartet his Acoustix tenor), who was listening to the exchange next seats, said, “If Roger is rejected, I’ll candidate for your coach.” I interpreted Todd thought Roger would definitely be the coach. Immediately after returning his Home, Roger sent me a detailed resume email, and the board approved immediately, too. After telling all the members, it was unanimously decided to welcome Roger Ross as TB’s coach, and since then, all TB’s have been fascinated by his passionate and sincere coaching. (GEO Kurimoto)


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