
 Nightlifeのベース、ブレット(Brett Littlefield)は、苗字のLittlefieldから想像されるのと違い6フィート(≒183cm)以上の巨漢ですが、ショウの前日TB(東京バーバーズ)のゲネプロに来て、挨拶代わりにNightlifeで一曲歌った後、TBに一生懸命タグを教えてくれました。一人で4パートすべてを歌い、コーラスに口伝えで教えてくれたのです。



 TBの客演指揮者であるロジャー(Roger Ross)も、合宿で時々タグを4パートをパート毎に歌って、口伝えで教えてくれますが、前客演指揮者のゲィリイ(Gary Steinkamp)も、タグを幾つもTBに残してくれた筋金入りのタグ・マスターの一人でした。コーラスの練習の始めのウォームアップで使っている”My Mom”も確か、ゲィリイが教えてくれた中の一曲です。

 ゲィリイのタグ好きは想像を超えていて、タグを教えて貰っている時に、TBメンバーのひとりがそれを譜面に書こうとして、手元の紙に五線を引いて聴いた音を採譜しようとしていたら「ダメ、タグは耳で憶えるもので、楽譜から憶えるものではない。」と厳しくられました。バーバーショップでは、”Ear Singing(耳で聴いて憶えて歌うこと)”が、”Sight Singing(楽譜を見て歌うこと)”よりも大切だとされているのです。「平均律のピアノから音を取るのではなく、純正律で歌っている上手い奴から聴いて憶えろ」という訳です。

 ゲィリイのタグ好きを痛感したのは、彼がテナーを務めるカルテット、Finale をゲストに招聘した第三回ショウの後、ホテルに帰ってからのこと。ショウの会場が後楽園近くの文京シビックホールだったので、当時のTBメンバーのツテで、後楽園の東京ドームホテルにカルテットご一行様と担当添乗員で、宿泊した時のことです。



 しかし、そのゲィリイを上回るタグ・マスターがいました。ゲィリイがTBを指揮した最後の年2009年、ゲスト・カルテットは Keepsake 。そのベースのドン・バーニック(Don Barnick)が、飲み会の席だったか、タグを次々と披露して皆に教え(勿論、4パート全部を一人で)、あのタグ・マスターのゲィリイが、それを大人しく聴いているのです。いやあ、上には上があるものだと、その時には本当にびっくりしました。

 ちなみにドンは、先に述べた Keepsake のベース、TB指揮者ロジャーが、1992年に初めての金メダリストになった時のチームメイトですが、それより前の1979年には、 Grandma’s Boys カルテットのテナーとして金メダリストになっていました。BHSバーバーショップ・ハーモニー・ソサイエティの世界広しといえども、一番上のパートと一番下のパートで金メダルを取ったのは、この人だけです。

(Kaz 松村)


  1. ドン・バーニックのタグ魔ぶりについて

     Keepsake の関学公演(関西学院大学、大阪)が終わり、キャンパスから駅に向かう間、駅の階段を上がる間もタグのコーチングが続きました。

     ドンは私を見て、なんでこんなタグを知ってるの?と聞いてきたので、Four Freshmenなら任せといてと答えると、握手を求められました。  

     この時の曲はFour Freshmenと、そのコピーをしたBeach Boysしか歌っていないGraduation Dayのエンディング4小節からなるタグで、A♭6のコードで終わるものでした。


    (GEO 栗本)

    About how Don Bernick is a tag daemon

    After Keepsake’s performance at Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka), tag coaching continued while going from the campus to the station and going up the stairs at the station.

    While walking together, I was impressed that I was really enthusiastic until such a time, and while saying a slightly strange song, Don was a rare tension chord (a new sounding chord that added a different sound to the basic chord). I started teaching a lot of passages.

    After listening a bit, I thought I could sing all the parts, so I started helping Don’s coaching. I’m researching even such a jazz chorus tag! I was happy.

    Don looked at me and asked “How did you know such a tag?” When I answered that “Leave it to the Four Freshmen”, he shook my hands.

    The song at this time was a tag consisting of Four Freshmen and the ending 4 bars of “Graduation Day”, which only sang the Beach Boys who copied it, and ended with a chord of A ♭ 6.

    (GEO Kurimoto)

    (From the editor) Click here for an example of Graduation Day Tag Barbershop. It is a one-person overdubbing. Sounds good.

  2. Brett Littlefield (bass) is a giant over 6 feet, unlike what you might imagine from his last name Littlefield, but the day before the show, he came to Tokyo Barbers(TB)’ Genepro with Nightlife and gave the greeting song for us. After singing a song, he taught TB the tag. He sang four parts by himself and taught the chorus by word of mouth.

    “Tag” word mainly means of attach to luggages, but in a barbershop, it is the part where the last harmony of the song is condensed, and remembering various tags is a “drawer” that makes the harmony sound rich as it is. Both the quartet and the chorus are valuable assets because they will increase the number of songs.

    Those who like tags really like Barbershop Harmony and always want to share the joy of tasting that harmony, remembering all four parts of the tags alone and aiming for the opportunity. These people are called Tag Masters. Brett was one of them.

    Tags are important for barbershop enthusiasts, and Roger Ross, the current guest conductor of Tokyo Barbers, sometimes sings four parts of tags part by part at the training camp and teaches them by word of mouth, but the former guest conductor Gary Steinkamp also left a number of tags for TB. “My Mom” used in the warm-up at the beginning of the chorus rehersal is certainly one of the songs that Gary taught us.

    Gary’s tag lover is beyond imagination, and when Gary was teaching the tag, one of the TB members would draw a staff on the paper at hand and try to transcribe the sound he heard. Gary said, “No, tags are something you can remember with your ears, not from the score.” As he say, at the barbershop, “Ear Singing” is more important than “Sight Singing”. “Don’t take the sound from the equal temperament piano, listen to it from a good guy who sings in just intonation and remember it.”

    It wasn’t until I returned to the hotel after the third TB show in May 2003, when I invited the quartet Finale (Gary is the tenor of them) as a guest, that I became keenly aware of Gary’s love for tags. Since the venue of the show, Bunkyo Civic Hall, was near Korakuen, we stayed at the Tokyo Dome Hotel in Korakuen with the quartet and the attendant in charge. By the connection of TB members at that time.

    After the show was finished, when I returned to the hotel and Finale was singing at the restaurant, the restaurant manager kicked them out saying, “Customers, it will be a nuisance to those around you.” When I was wondering what will he do, Gary, who saw nobody in the elevator hall beyond, was endlessly teaching the other three people in Finale the tag.

    It’s not going to end no matter how long it takes, so I accompanied for about 30 minutes and pulled it up to my room, but when the quartet was learning tags one after another without complaining, I was impressed that though they won the medal as the quartet, but they will never forget their own aspirations and rehersal until midnight.

    However, there was a tag master who surpassed that Gary. In 2009, the very last year Gary conducted us, the guest quartet of 6th TB show was Keepsake. That bass, Don Barnick, was at a drinking party, showing off tags one after another and telling everyone (of course, all four parts Don alone), and that tag master, Gary, was listening quietly. Well, at that time I was really surprised that there is a top upon the top.

    By the way, Don was the bass of Keepsake mentioned earlier and in 1992 was a teammate when Roger became the first gold medalist, but before that, in 1979, in the Grandma’s Boys quartet Don was a gold medalist as a tenor. Even though the BHS Barbershop Harmony Society is world wide, he is the only one to win a gold medal in the top and bottom parts.

    (Kaz Matsumura)

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